

I have been away again....
the past few months have been a blurrrrrr!
The end of the school year - Addie finished Kindergarten, and Alex completed Elementary School.
We moved to a new (to us!) house - we accumulated 3 kids, 2 dogs and lots of stuff in 12 years!
We have enjoyed a wonderful summer - lots of days at the pool, getting to know new friends,
BBQs with old friends, movies, roller skating, slipping and sliding, T-Ball, gymnastics - 
so many great memories.
Now Addie and Alex are getting ready to start at new schools - 
separate schools for the first time. (sniff, sniff)
And Charlie starts pre-school. (more sniffles)

With all the commotion, I had the urge to be creative.
I have designed 8 new layouts!
And.....I have all the paper and have started the kits -
I will have them ready to go on Monday!

Each individual layout -
with all the pieces you need to complete the pages as shown
is $10.00 each.

Or, you can choose the whole kit-n-kaboodle for $65.00.
That is only a little over $8.00 for each layout!

As always, each layout comes with a color picture,
and step-by-step instructions.

I have added PayPal buttons in the right-hand column. I also have a "Please Ship" button for any purchases that you would like shipped to you - only $5.00, to cover my cost.
If you live close, I am happy to work with you on a pick-up/delivery!

I also have a few older page kits left. I have updated the "April Layouts" sidebar to the right.
If you are interested, please email me before purchasing,
as I only have 1-2 of most of the layouts available!
Scroll down to see photos of these layouts.
And I have a few Recipe Kits, too.

If you haven't already, join me on Facebook for sneak peeks and updates!
I think that is it for this evening. Hope you enjoy the new designs!

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